since I’m a numbers person…

… I asked for a beta.

I was either 15 or 16dpo (I’d love to hear opinions on that; now that I’ve manipulated the chart it would be 16dpo) and the numbers were:

  • hCG = 210 IU/L
  • P4 = 68 nmol/L  (21 ng/mL for my US friends)

I’d love a second beta to check the doubling time, but my GP is unlikely to acquiesce to that request, so I’ll do my best to stay hopeful until our dating scan in 2.5 weeks.

4 Responses to “since I’m a numbers person…”

  1. I’d explain your anxieties and get the second beta done – just for your own peace of mind. But those numbers are great! :)

    Sue x

    • I didn’t get back to the GP, so taking solace in the digi conception indicator saying 3+ at 5wks. Hopefully that means the numbers were increasing as they should. Just over a week until the scan.

  2. sparklythings Says:

    Wait…you had sex and got pregnant?!?!?

    Wow. I didn’t know that actually happened anymore!!


    That is a great beta!!


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